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    Wednesday 23 November 2016

    3 Visitation Tips for Divorced Dads 

    In most cases, divorced fathers are the ones faced with the reality of visitation of their children. Ultimately it will be negotiated and mediated and in some cases, visitation may be liberal but in others limited. Below are some tips to help you make the most of your visitation: 

    Allow time to heal

    You need to commit to getting better. You and your children will gradually get used to the new routines and eventually things will work themselves back normal, even if it takes some years.

    Avoid situations of conflict

    Things will flow along much easier if you can avoid conflicts between you and your ex. Keep in mind that she's still the children`s mum mom, just not your wife any more. When Co-Parenting you need to be disengaged from your ex and have limited contact, in situations where both of you are unable to communicate with each other in a respectful manner. The last thing you need is to go back to your divorce lawyer to seek an enforcement on child visitation rights. 

    Allow for flexibility 

    Even though you u may have reached agreement on visitation, there's no reason you and your ex can't vary the arrangement by mutual agreement. There may be times when your kids are invited to sleepovers or attending a school camp. Being inflexible to spite your former spouse only has a detrimental effect on your kids.